Spidey Santa 3

So we did Secret Santas at work, and I had been recieving little Spider-man objects all over the place. I kept guessing comic-book infatuated guys were leaving them as clues, but every one I asked denied responsibility.

Then I found out that someone told my Secret Santa (who clearly doesn’t know me very well) that I am obsessed with Spider-man.

Assuming that whoever told her this was serious, what on EARTH did I do to make anyone think that?

And if it was a joke, a) how in god’s name did she not pick up on it and b) who the fuck told her that?

It’s amusingly mystifying.

3 thoughts on “Spidey Santa

  1. Reply Mark Dec 17,2004 7:08 pm

    The pitfalls of the working world…

  2. Reply Nate Pence Dec 17,2004 8:54 pm

    It must be that Spiderman costume you insist on wearing every day.
    This is just a recent development, all non-LA people. You’d have to see it to believe it.

  3. Reply Ellen Dec 19,2004 4:08 am

    Damn, I should have known that would backfire…

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