Snugglepuss 3

Mf mmf mf mmfmf mff:

Mmmf, mf?

Edited to add: Mmf mmf:

And of course, right after this was taken, he decided my left arm (which he’s laying on since these photos are reversed by Photo Booth) was dessert.

3 thoughts on “Snugglepuss

  1. Reply lindsay Aug 19,2008 7:38 am

    oh. my. lord. i hate that i’m allergic to cats. that’s like being allergic to cuteness and sunshine.

  2. Reply Ellen Aug 19,2008 8:48 am

    In the “advantages” column, though, you get to avoid the blogging cliché of posting photos of your cat.

    Now all I need to do is start complaining about how recent Star Wars/Trek movies suck compared to the originals.

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