Quick Music Recommendations 2

Since I spend my days driving, I listen to tons of CDs. I’ve been listening to a bunch of new music, so I want to recommend a bit of it:

– I second everyone and their brother’s recommendation of Loretta Lynn’s Van Lear Rose. If you like country even a little tiny bit, you’ll like it.

– The Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ Fever to Tell. “Maps” has burrowed its way into my brain and refuses to leave, and the rest of the album is pretty fucking good too. A lot more punk than “Maps” would make you think, but fucking good.

– Patty Griffin’s Impossible Dream is both gorgeous and depressing as hell. But it’s a great CD.

– I’ve been listening to it forever, but Deirdre Flint’s The Shuffleboard Queens is intelligent and funny, and I like to plug it when I can, because independent musicians, especially ones this good, need more money and support.

That’s it for now. I just cracked and coughed up for a bunch of music from Amazon, so I’ll probably have a couple more recs for y’all in a week or so.

2 thoughts on “Quick Music Recommendations

  1. Reply Nate Pence May 19,2004 4:17 pm

    You forgot The Darkness “Permission to Land” which you recommended to me yesterday.

  2. Reply Ellen May 19,2004 10:41 pm

    Ah, yes. I recommended this to Nate, Brendan, and Mark. I would also recommend it to anyone who likes 80’s hair metal, or Andrew W.K.

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