Link-O-Rama 3

A few things on the internets I’d like to pass along:

– Something I sent Jack turns into a casting session for the forthcoming movie I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry.

Coffee shop employees in Vancouver become my new heroes.

– There were a lot of amusing photos coming out of the Opening Ceremonies in Torino tonight, but this one takes the cake:

You know, Opening Ceremony pictures always look weird out of context, but I don’t think there’s any context in which that photo would not look weird.

3 thoughts on “Link-O-Rama

  1. Reply Meghan Feb 11,2006 7:17 pm

    hey ellen…nice blog! this pic reminds me of a scene from a version of “A Christmas Carol” where the ghost of Christmas past has this huge green coat. We saw it in school one year and kept asking why he needed such a big coat – what did he have under it? later in the scene 2 small children pop out. i don’t think in any context can people hiding under another’s clothing can be normal!

  2. Reply km Feb 11,2006 11:40 pm

    really? i thought the dancing cows took the cake.

  3. Reply Ellen Feb 12,2006 1:50 am

    I didn’t actually watch, I was just reloading the Yahoo! photos page with whatever they pulled from the wire. I missed the dancing cows. If you’ve got a picture, link me up.

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