It Continues…. 2

The rash of pregnacnies amongst people I know takes a new turn…smack into the my really good friends/people my age demographic.

My heartiest congratulations to Ray and Elisa on their screaming-infant-to-be, they’re gonna be great parents (they’re already taking care of three dogs and two cats, how much more trouble can a baby be?).

But this is all really starting to freak the hell out of me. I cannot handle my friends having kids, mostly because it indicates a level of maturity that I don’t think I’ll reach for at least another ten years.

Good lord, we’re all growing up. When the fuck did this happen?!

2 thoughts on “It Continues….

  1. Reply Laz Aug 27,2004 4:46 pm

    Well, I have three kids, but they all have different babymamas, and I don’t know any of their last names or where they live these days. So it’s not really a concern for me, y’know?

  2. Reply Ellen Aug 28,2004 4:29 am

    You should get along smashingly with Maury Povich when you’re on his show, my friend.

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