I Still Think His Name Is Obnoxiously Pretentious 3

But new Washington Post music critic J. Freedom du Lac has an excellent line on “You’re Beautiful” singer James Blunt:

Don’t hate James Blunt because he’s beautiful.

Hate him because he sounds like his underwear is three sizes too small.

3 thoughts on “I Still Think His Name Is Obnoxiously Pretentious

  1. Reply mrs. e. Nov 30,-0001 12:00 am

    good point. it’s mock-worthy either way.

  2. Reply mrs. e. Mar 15,2006 7:06 pm

    please tell me that’s a nom de plume.

  3. Reply Ellen Mar 15,2006 7:19 pm

    You know, initially that’s what I was hoping, but really, I think it makes him even MORE pretentious if he actually chose that ridiculous moniker.

    If it’s just something his parents saddled him with, then it’s still grating, but not nearly as obnoxious as if it’s something he thought up himself.

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