I Guess This Means I Should Buy A Hamburger Phone 1

I just had the fifth person I know tell me unsolicited that they watched Juno and she reminded them of me. I take it as a compliment, since I really liked the character.

However, this raises two related questions for me:

1. How much weirder does this trend make it that this movie made me have a huge crush on Ellen Page?

2. As a subquestion to the above, does that somehow make me a narcissist?

One comment on “I Guess This Means I Should Buy A Hamburger Phone

  1. Reply Emily (of NU days) Mar 1,2008 6:16 pm

    Hey Ellen! It’s so bizarre! When I saw Juno,the first thing I thought was, “She reminds me SO much of Ellen!” I guess I’m not alone.

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