How To Simultaneously Feel Very Old And Very Young 3

We were taping the show that airs Tuesday, and Diana DeGarmo (the American Idol runner up from the most recent editon) was on. Someone mentioned that she’s 17, and was born in 1987.

And I thought, holy shit, I remember 1987. How can someone born that year be 17 (and be turning 18 and thus eligble to vote later this year)? I suddenly felt very, very old.

Shortly thereafter, one of the execs (who is from Philly) was gloating about the Eagles going back to the Super Bowl for the first time since 1981.

And I mumbled, wait, January 1981? I wasn’t even born yet. Wow.

My friend Shawn, who I’ve repeatedly made feel older than dirt despite the fact that he’s not even 30, overheard me and just shook his head and smiled.

I suddenly felt very, very young. And very, very thankful that the exec didn’t hear me, because that definitely would have made him feel old.

And generally, it’s not a good idea to make your bosses feel old.

3 thoughts on “How To Simultaneously Feel Very Old And Very Young

  1. Reply Mark Jan 25,2005 2:20 pm

    Simultaneously feeling old and young? There’s nothing better than this, when you’ve only got 100 years to live.

  2. Reply Laz Jan 25,2005 7:41 pm

    I feel old every time I’m at a cashier and see that “You must be born BEFORE this date in 1987” to buy cigarettes. People born in 1986 can buy cigarettes!

    But I make everyone else feel old with my ace in the hole. Anytime the conversation turns to the Miracle On Ice – which is more often than you think when you work in the sports department; anytime an upset happens, really – I mention I was born two weeks AFTER the Miracle on Ice. That one always gets the thirtysomethings and fortysomethings all worked up. 🙂

  3. Reply Kim Jan 26,2005 3:03 pm

    Try teaching some kids who are 19 (yes public schools have to keep special ed kids on until they’re 21 if they don’t graduate in time). Or, when I first started teaching and I was 22 and some of them were 18.

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