Good News and Bad News 2

The Good News: I am, in fact, alive.

The Bad News: I am in Connecticut, having a Thanksgiving/Christmas Fiasco with my mom’s side of the family.

Good News: Mark is here with me, helping me survive and not kill my relatives.

Bad News: My mom seems to have made her annual holiday transformation into Martha Stewart Jr., complete with psychoses.

Good News: We’re staying at my aunt’s house and my mom is staying at my grandmother’s house.

Bad News: This has not spared us from 1) my mom’s wordless, repetitive singing of “Walking in a Winter Wonderland” or 2) my mother and grandmother’s three-hour conversations about knitting.

Good News: We’re going gambling tomorrow.

Bad News:…We’re going gambling tomorrow.

Further updates to come…

2 thoughts on “Good News and Bad News

  1. Reply Laz Nov 29,2004 6:52 am

    So how’d you do at Foxwoods?

  2. Reply Mark Nov 29,2004 2:24 pm

    We picked Mohegan Sun….but I won $80!!

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