Damn You, Girl Scouts! 8

I think the most evil thing about this whole diet thing is that it’s Girl Scout cookie time.

Everywhere I go, I see Girl Scouts selling cookies. When I was out running errands, they were at a Target/Bed Bath and Beyond complex with cases of Thin Mints.

Some evil whore in my office keeps leaving open, half-eaten boxes of Girl Scout cookies in the kitchen, taunting me in my sugar-free existence.

I know the strategy. “Good god, I just ate half a box of these cookies! If I keep them in my house, I’ll eat them all! I must take them to work so others can also get fat!”

But man, if I find out who’s doing it, I’m putting a curse on them.

8 thoughts on “Damn You, Girl Scouts!

  1. Reply Laz Mar 8,2006 8:45 am

    Wow. You’re warped. When someone at work leaves half a box of thin mints on the counter next to the fax machine, I want to run up to them and give them a great big hug. Diets are for chumps! Thin mints are for ME!

  2. Reply Rebecca Mar 8,2006 11:26 am

    Which Target? I want Thin Mints. Please, send them my way if you don’t want them.

  3. Reply Ellen Mar 8,2006 3:25 pm

    The Target in Culver City. Please, take them. Less to tempt my fat ass with.

  4. Reply Mark Mar 8,2006 3:53 pm

    I am the only person who doesn’t like thin mints?

  5. Reply Jon A Mar 9,2006 2:14 am

    No, I don’t like them either. But those “Caramel Delights” (i.e., Samoas – c’mon, people, it’s old school) are another story altogether.

  6. Reply Ellen Mar 9,2006 5:00 am

    They changed the name of Samoas to Caramel Delights? Heresy, I tell you!

  7. Reply Cameron Mar 9,2006 7:10 am

    Um, on the West Coast “Samoas” have been called Caramel Delights since at least the early 90’s, when I was selling Girl Scout cookies. Just sayin’.

  8. Reply Jamie Mar 9,2006 3:35 pm

    Yep, I remember selling Caramel Delights…and now they’re called samoas. Which is unfortunate. But they are still my favorite Girl Scout cookies, by any name.

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