And Now, Your Moment Of Zen 4


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4 thoughts on “And Now, Your Moment Of Zen

  1. Reply Kim Sep 9,2004 2:53 am

    i couldn’t get in even with the longin hints

  2. Reply mrs. e. Sep 9,2004 4:28 am

    hint: if you have a chicago tribune log-in, use that.

  3. Reply Laz Sep 9,2004 5:15 pm

    If you don’t have log-ins for great papers like the LA Times and NY Times, you should be smacked. But yeah, use your Trib log-in. Same company. 🙂

    I saw that on TV yesterday – I thought something falling from space would make a bigger hole than that…

  4. Reply Ellen Sep 10,2004 12:35 am

    It’s at least partly slowed by friction from the atmosphere. Plus I think it probably fired retro rockets to slow itself enough for the parachutes to be able to not snap right off…if they had actually fired.

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