A Little Bike Ride 3

I went for a bike ride this afternoon, partly because my cheapo necklace finally broke and I needed to buy a replacement. Fortunately replacements are 2 for $10 at Venice Beach.

I actually dragged my giant camera with me this time because it’s been pouring rain and a lot of the usual pollution and gunk has been washed away, and things are much, much clearer than they usually are.

Anyway, some of the better pictures from this little excursion are up on my Flickr, which you can access via this link or this lovely slideshow:

Get the flash player here: http://www.adobe.com/flashplayer

I will say, days like today make me wish I had a working point-and-shoot camera. The small-ish one that I carried around Europe with me (and which compared to today’s point-and-shoot cameras, is freakishly huge) died some time ago, and sometimes the iPhone’s camera just isn’t enough.

I love the pictures my D50 takes and the level of control it gives me, but there’s no getting around the fact that lugging a giant DSLR around with me on a bike ride is a humongous pain in the ass.

3 thoughts on “A Little Bike Ride

  1. Reply KM Jan 30,2010 6:21 am

    Love it. I always bring my big-ass camera on my blading trips. Nothing can compare.

    These are great.

    I should link you some from one of my co-workers who used to live out there.

  2. Reply Ellen Jan 30,2010 2:15 pm

    Your back is also used to lugging around 30+ pounds worth of toddler. Mine is not.

  3. Reply KM Jan 30,2010 2:50 pm

    Co-worker’s stuff:

    Check out the gymnastics ones:


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