For My Fellow 24 Nerds 2

For those who didn’t catch it on Fark: Upcoming 24 Focuses on Jack Bauer Eating A Sandwich

Best line:

“Listen to me,” Jack says, grabbing the cashier by the shirt. “I need you to take the pickles off now. There’s no time to explain – you’re going to have to trust me.”

In the legions of 24 drinking games, that’d be at least 2 drinks (for “There’s no time!” and “You have to trust me!”) in all of them.

2 thoughts on “For My Fellow 24 Nerds

  1. Reply Laz Mar 16,2005 6:38 pm

    The two things Jack says the most:

    (screaming): WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME!

    (softly): I can’t imagine how hard this must be for you, but…

  2. Reply Mark Mar 17,2005 2:15 pm

    LOL. No doubt. Two more shots for me. My favorite show ever–except when I’m watching it.

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