I don’t think I’ve ever seen a better example of how this town values style over substance than when I was driving home this evening.
I saw a beat up Geo Metro with brand new spinner hubcaps.
You know, the hubcaps that have a piece that spins independently of the actual wheel so it either looks stable while you’re moving or continues to spin when you stop.
I strongly suspect that the hubcaps were more valuable than the entire rest of the car combined. In fact, by selling the car and saving the money from the hubcaps, a much better car could have been purchased.
And thusly, style won out over substance, even in the driving choices of the utterly broke.
My Hyundai TOTALLY needs some of those.
LOL! As someone who doesn;t live far from you, I know exactly what you mean! It’s a bit sad how far gone our “Hollywood” mentality has taken our vision of quality.