Lord of the Rings swept. Certainly not unexpected, but at least much more deserving than the last movie that won 11 Oscars (Titanic. I fucking hated that movie).
The show itself was…an awards show. Little variation from the script, most jokes not that funny (although the Jack Black/Will Ferrell “You’re Boring” song did crack me up).
Peter Jackson looked like hell, but he actually reminds me quite a bit of my late uncle Harry, if Harry were from New Zealand and hadn’t lost all his hair in his early 20’s. Similar affable geekiness.
I’ll have to see how I did in my office Oscar pool, first prize is about 500 bucks, second prize is an iPod. Being the Gadget Geek I am, I think I’d probably use the money to buy an iPod if I won the money anyway.
But I work with entertainment industry geeks, so I probably lost, even though I went 5 for 6 in the major categories, and was only off by about 2 or 3 minutes on my prediction of how long the ceremony would last.
Fingers crossed!