Fun With Flash 4

Proof you don’t have to have artistic talent to be amusing:

Europe Vs. Italy

The End Of The World

edited to add: Oops! Forgot to credit Other Ellen with introducing me to these. A thousand apologies.

4 thoughts on “Fun With Flash

  1. Reply Kim Nov 4,2003 12:17 pm

    Hooray for that last clip 🙂 (I’d seen the first one and that’s funny, too.) And things are funnier at 6:15.

  2. Reply Other Ellen Nov 4,2003 4:14 pm

    no mention of who you stole those from at all. ouch.

  3. Reply Ellen Nov 5,2003 4:20 am

    GAH! okay, belated additon is up there. sorry, i was slap-happy last night when i posted that….

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