Or really, just when you felt like you were really starting to be completely fine with being alone, you get something to remind you that your hormones still have a say in all this. To wit:
I was going through and writing down shot recipies when I came upon the following list of shot names, in their exact order:
– Screw-Meup
– A Piece Of Ass
– Absolut Sex
– Blow Job
– Muff Dive
– Orgasm
– Screaming Orgasm
– Multiple Orgasm
– Screaming Multiple Orgasm
– Sex On The Beach
– Red Headed Slut
– Purple Hooter
And I thought, I need to make sure I get a job at a lesbian bar so I have some remote chance in hell of getting laid ever again. Hopefully with a red-headed slut.
Though hopefully not with anyone with purple hooters. That’s gotta be a sign of some sort of vascular disorder or something…