I actually accomplished things today

Yes, despite the fact that I didn’t manage to drag my lazy ass out of bed until 3pm, I actually managed to accomplish a few things today. I:

* Managed to catch up on my reading for my upcoming Gender And Society test. Don’t ask me what it says, I’m P/Ning the class (i.e. taking it pass/fail), so I really, really don’t care. But at least I’m caught up!

* Defragmented the hard drive on my computer. OK, granted, the computer did this itself, but it desperately needed doing. It was starting to tell me that plaintext files were associated with Winamp (which is a music player) and that Word files were associated with Outlook Express (the world’s shittiest email program). So now my computer is happy again. We’ll see how long that lasts…

* Edited the project with the partner I’m trying not to kill in three hours instead of the anticipated twelve. It’s amazing what the power of really wanting to get the fuck out of a room can make you do. And it means I won’t have to waste energy trying not to kill him tomorrow.

* Watched Ocean’s 11 (the Soderbergh version) and Chicken Run. It’s nice to do something because you want to do it for a change.

All in all, I’d say this was a fairly successful day.

You’d more than likely say, “Ellen, this entry sucks. Why are you not funny and random today?”

And I’d say nik blot gworny quando floo!

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