Worst. Commute. Ever. 8

Fucking hell.

Two hours and twenty minutes to go 20 miles. Stupid mudslide danger.

Motherfuck the 405, and its designation that 2 of the northbound lanes will be closed until Tuesday “or later.” LATER?!

8 thoughts on “Worst. Commute. Ever.

  1. Reply Kim Jan 10,2005 9:46 pm

    Damn. You win!

  2. Reply Mark Jan 11,2005 6:58 pm

    I took public transit to work today. It took 15 minutes.

    Somebody’s faster….

  3. Reply Jamie Jan 12,2005 3:36 am

    One thing I miss about Pennsylvania? I could walk to work in 15 minutes.

  4. Reply Brendan Jan 12,2005 12:26 pm

    I drove yesterday. Took 15 min.

    I took the T today. Took 30 min.

    Fucking Cali and their roads. Mass transit people.

    That being said, I used to be a commuter, and yes, Ellen, that does suck a big fat one.

    PS–this is the first time I have ever posted to a blog. I feel to cool!

  5. Reply Nate Pence Jan 12,2005 4:29 pm

    I imagine I could walk, but that’d take probably 40 minutes instead of the 10 it takes me to drive. Hopefully this spring I’ll be able to invest in a bike.

  6. Reply Mark Jan 12,2005 6:37 pm

    Oh, and I lived through Olympic freeway construction back in high school. So I’m trying to feel, but…

    nope, sorry.

  7. Reply Brendan Jan 12,2005 7:55 pm

    At least your state doesn’t have tunnels that leak…but it does have Arnold…so i guess we are equal.

  8. Reply Nate Pence Jan 13,2005 8:14 am

    You had to take the freeway to high school?

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