The Greatest Celebrity Encounter Ever

Here in Sun Valley, you occasionally run into famous people.

Usually, it’s just an L.A.-like part of the background noise, like Jamie Lee Curtis ending up behind my dad in line for lunch at the ski lodge, confirming for me that it was Christopher Guest I’d just seen.

Sometimes, however, you actually get to meet someone that amuses you greatly. And that’s where today’s story picks up.

We were having lunch with a couple of my dad and Ray Ann’s friends, when one of the friends turned around, saw the gentleman behind him, and said “Hey Karl!”

A small man with an Austrian accent turned around and said hello, and when the friend introduced Karl to us, he said the words that made me smile:

“This is the guy whose snake ate the blanket.”

I have met internationally famous television and movie stars, but it was not nearly as amusing as meeting the little old retired ski instructor who briefly captured the attention of the world…when his snake ate an electric blanket.

Houdini, the snake, was apparently sick for some time, as you might expect for a snake that ate a whole queen size electric blanket.

However, you will be happy to learn that Houdini is now fine, and back to dining on small mammals instead of large blankets.

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