Signs You Need To Let Your Tolerance Come Back Down A Little 3

When you go out drinking on a Monday night (Hey, co-worker’s birthday! It’s excusable!), and despite the fact that you’re dead tired, three pints of Anchor Steam just makes your back stop hurting, instead of getting you shitfaced.

Resolution: No more booze ’til Joel comes on Saturday.

Estimated number of days resolution will actually hold out: Two.

3 thoughts on “Signs You Need To Let Your Tolerance Come Back Down A Little

  1. Reply Ellen Nov 30,-0001 12:00 am

    Oh good lord no. I just said until you come. Thereafter, more drinking!

  2. Reply Joel Oct 26,2004 5:27 pm

    I hope you don’t plan on being too sober all weekend 😀

  3. Reply mrs. e. Oct 26,2004 9:40 pm

    drinking! woo! 🙂

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