Oops 3

I forgot exactly how effective and addictive a time-waster web design is. I swear, it was 11pm like 10 minutes ago.

I’ve decided to redesign my main website (even though the blog gets about 99% of the traffic to my server), since I haven’t redesigned it in 3 years, and it looks pretty bad.

I also decided to do this because a complete top-to-bottom redesign will take up a nice chunk of this gaping hole of free time I’ve got going right now. But I forgot what a complete time-suck web design is.

Building out a template, checking links, creating graphics, and creating something resembling a structure for the site has taken over four hours, and that’s with a decent idea of how I want the finished product to look and a fair amount of experience.

The rest of the site will be built over the course of this week, hopefully to debut soon. I’m probably going to end up rewriting a lot of the content, which will be the most time-consuming element.

Which is, of course, why I’m doing it.

You’ll see the difference when I’m done. And if I’m still temporarily unemployed, you may see a facelift here, too. And any number of other time-wasting projects. Suggestions are welcome.

3 thoughts on “Oops

  1. Reply Nate Pence Nov 30,-0001 12:00 am

    Nope, that sounds like the best option to me.

  2. Reply Mark Jun 14,2004 5:04 pm

    Masturbation. A whole lot of masturbation.

  3. Reply Ellen Jun 14,2004 9:25 pm

    I’ll take that under advisement. Any other suggestions?

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