On This Day, 25 Years Ago… 3

…I was six months from being born.

But much more importantly, everyone’s favorite 6’5″ Utahn law student, Mark, was born. And in honor of his birth, a few pictures of him from our Adventures in EuroLand:

The view I had of Mark for much of our trip.

One of the many instances that caused us to state that Europe’s motto should be, “Welcome to Europe…Mind your head.”

Mark enjoying the dopey touristness of the Hofbräu Haus, and being an awfully good sport about posing for me with props.

Mark, approximately two seconds before shaking the pigeon off and doing a very impressive full body shudder.

And finally, Mark and this random cardboard cutout of a Roman soldier (picture taken in Füssen, Germany).

Happy birthday, buddy!

3 thoughts on “On This Day, 25 Years Ago…

  1. Reply Patrick Dec 8,2005 11:00 am

    Commenting here too — nice work Ellen! Happy birthday Mark!

  2. Reply eliina Dec 8,2005 3:40 pm

    Fun photos Ellen, happy b-day Mark!

  3. Reply Mark Dec 8,2005 10:07 pm

    Thanks to all in blog-land!

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