Errata 1

Firstly, I paid $43.50 for a tank of gas. The most I’ve ever paid before for a tank was $39.50, a week after Katrina. I don’t really have any comment on that, it’s just so absurd, I had to share.

Lastly, I forgot one thing from KC that the Jews may appreciate more than most, but it’s pretty amusing for all.

They had a group of musicians at the temple, playing the sung prayers and assorted other religious songs. That in and of itself is not that unusual.

What was so unusual, you ask? The fact that the band had a fiddler and a banjo player amongst its members.

I think that was the only time Ein Keloheinu has ever been turned into a hoedown.

One comment on “Errata

  1. Reply Rebecca May 9,2006 7:14 am

    I paid $45 last night. Even. It came out even. Which is almost funny. And I live near one of the cheapest local gas stations.

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