Endings and Beginnings 2

I’ve never watched The Sopranos. I could never get into it. My mom, however, loves it, and since she’s here helping me with my foot, I sort of half-assedly watched the finale.

As the screen went black and she realized they’d ended it where they had, she said something that I’m sure must have come out of many a Sopranos fan’s mouth:

“Oh, those fuckers!”

And now, to watch John From Cincinnati and see exactly how big a cocksucker Milch is for ditching the best show ever for this piffle.

Edited to add: So, is John supposed to be autistic? Or were they just trying so hard for “blank slate” that they wound up completely and terribly overshooting?

2 thoughts on “Endings and Beginnings

  1. Reply Laz Jun 12,2007 5:51 am

    John’s supposed to be like an alien or a magic elf or something. He’s supernatural dude with weird hair.

  2. Reply Ellen Jun 12,2007 10:50 pm

    He definitely does have weird hair. It’s practically its own character.

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