Easter Fun 1

One of my coworkers received a large box of Easter crap from his folks today, including an enormous number of Peeps. I commented that we should microwave them, and someone asked why.

Peeps, as has been repeatedly documented, expand to several times their original size in the microwave, and then poof out in an awesomely gruesome fashion. Occasionally, they explode and leave a delightfully sticky mess all over the microwave.

What do a bunch of grown people (of whom I’d like to note I am the youngest) decide to do when presented with this information and are unsure whether to believe it? Conduct their own testing in the office microwave.

This is what happens at 8pm on a Thursday when people work 12 to 15 hour days together for eight months in a row: They start acting like a bunch of twelve year olds.

One comment on “Easter Fun

  1. Reply Other Ellen Mar 30,2007 3:22 pm

    Umm, microwaving peeps is hours of amusement….

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