From the L.A. Times story about Kerry and Edwards’ first day working together as presidential and vice-presidential candidates:
“Any residual tensions from the two men’s competition during the Democratic primaries seemed to have evaporated. From the moment they stepped before a bank of more than 50 cameras Wednesday morning, emerging from the elegant Pittsburgh-area estate of Kerry’s wife, Teresa, Kerry and Edwards looked like a couple on a blind date that had gone unexpectedly well.”
And then, they made out.
Update: Political blog Wonkette finds further evidence of The Gay taking over the Democrats.
All the pix of them LOOK like Kerry is trying to put the moves on him!
Kerry’s hair is far too fucked up for him to be gay.
that is really funny because when i saw them on tv at the ohio press conference, when edwards walked up to kerry it looked like they were going to kiss!! i got all excited!
As if you needed yet another reason to vote Democrat. Ladies and gentlemen: HoYay!
Click here if you don’t know what I mean.