Das Gym 2

Being back at the gym all the time on top of three nights a week of physical therapy leaves me very little free time to do goddamn near anything else.

I like being back at the gym because it’s a massive stress reliever, but it kills an extra hour to hour and a half out of every day I go.

That hour to hour and a half gets killed out of every other day by physical therapy, so with four days a week at the gym and three at PT, plus minimum 10-12 hours a day at work, there ain’t much left.

I find it ironic that in order to get in shape to enjoy life, I have to pretty much commit to not having one.

2 thoughts on “Das Gym

  1. Reply Brendan Jul 31,2007 7:09 pm

    The trick is working out in the morning before work. It is quite craptacular to get up early in the morning, but once you get used to it, you end up with more time in the evening, which is nice, especially when it’s the summer.

  2. Reply Ellen Jul 31,2007 7:27 pm

    The problem is I do go to the gym in the morning, it’s just that my new PT place doesn’t have early morning appointments. When I have to go at 7pm and they’re 15 minutes to a half hour late already, I’m usually not home until almost nine. Then I usually pass out between 10 and 11 to get up at quarter to six to go work out.

    And thus the circle of no life continues.

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