I finally cracked and went to the doctor today, since my illness was not making any progress despite my sleeping about 16 hours a day and drinking of tons of fluids.
The doctor told me I have a viral sinus infection. There’s good news and bad news with this.
The good news is that a) it’s not contagious (unless I sneeze or cough directly on someone, and I haven’t been doing either) and b) it’s not nearly as serious as a bacterial sinus infection.
The bad news is that there’s absolutely nothing I can do to speed it along its course, which is normally 7-10 days.
When I asked if there was anything I could do about the Killer Fatigue I’ve been sufferering (just going to the doctor made me feel like I ran a marathon), she said, “Just give into it and sleep.”
I offered a few weak “but…but…fluids! bed rest!” protestations, but she told me I wasn’t the only type-A personality who’d been struck low by this virus.
And none of us were pleased to hear what she had to say: This will only go away if you let it run its course. There is nothing, repeat, nothing you can do about it.
No shit. Remember 10th grade biology?
Virus and bacteria are totally different life forms. And that’s why antibiotics only attack bacteria.
Sorry, you are SOL.
It almost sounds like you have the same thing that attacked me in August. And if that’s the case, I’m sending massive pity your way.
No, I know viruses (virii?) and bacteria are different. It doesn’t make me any less pissed that there’s nothing I can do about it.