It’s raining in Los Angeles.
In most cities in….well, the universe, this would not be news. It would be a regular occasion. Here, everything grinds to a halt.
The enormous portion of the LA area economy made from washing smog-soot off of cars turns to nothing in an instant.
The drivers, accustomed to nothing more slippery than fog, lose their shit, and somehow forget how to drive. The power grid can’t take the water and fails in places.
Plans are cancelled at even the prediction of rain. And we’ve got four days of rain in the forecast, something I haven’t seen in the year-plus I’ve lived here.
And it hasn’t rained more than a drizzle here since April at the latest, possibly since March. It’s been so long that I actually cannot remember the last time it really rained.
It rains so seldom here during the summer that we actually have a rainy season. It’s like I live on some weird tropical island.
But I’m happy it rained, because I had been thinking of taking my car to the car wash Sunday afternoon. Now, I don’t have to!
“It Never Rains in Southern California.” – Toni Tony Tone.
And while the natural order is screwed up in LA, its ass-cold here in Chicago. Nice to know that when shit goes haywire, it doesn’t go haywire EVERYWHERE.
L.A. sucks. The end. 🙂