It has finally happened, after four years: e-shapiro2 has arrived.
For three and a half years, I have been the only e-shapiro at Northwestern. But I’ve started getting assorted emails directed at a French department grad student named Elizabeth Shapiro, and it’s starting to piss me off.
Reminders to turn in her grades. Invitations to dinners with the rest of the grad students. Assorted requests from dumb people she works for who haven’t figued out that her email is e-shapiro2, even though she’s been here at least 2 or 3 months.
I thought I wasn’t going to have to deal with this, though I probably should have known better. At least it’s for someone whose email isn’t horribly asinine. Marc Hertz, who was my roommate for a while, constantly got email for some m-hertz in a sorority that made him want to throw his computer out the window.
I guess this was inevitable, however. Hopefully I’m not going to start getting emails for e-shapiro3 one of these days…