Parental Advisory 1

I’ve got assorted parental units in town starting today in celebration of Dad’s 70th birthday tomorrow. Weirdness alert: My boss’s mom recently turned 70 as well. I suppose that’s what happens when you wait to have kids until you’re 45. Speaking of weird, did anyone else watch Jericho (shut up, it’s the most unintentionally hilarious ...

Noted With Interest

…but without comment, these Canadian posters for Grey’s Anatomy and ER, which air on the same network up North: courtesy This. That. No Other. via Damn Hell Ass Kings.

Shark Attack

Part of the reason I enjoy my job is that sometimes very bizarre and amusing things happen. Most of the time, I can’t write about them here because of the numerous and voluminous Non-Disclosure Agreements I’ve had to sign, but since the LA Times wrote about this one, I think I’m safe. I hereby present ...

2006 Fall Season Update: I Think We Have A Winner 2

I haven’t been posting much because I’ve been up to my eyeballs in work and in the new fall season of television. I love that my job gives me a nominal excuse to actually watch all this shit. For those keeping score, brief updates on all the shows I’ve been testing out for the fall ...

Bad Kitty 2

Kitty apparently decided to sit on my cable remote just as my TiVo was trying to turn the channel to get Prison Break recording. Because of this, TiVo recorded an hour of some weird OnDemand program about gardening and building large sculptures out of PVC pipe instead. I believe I’ll be hiding the cable remote ...


You know, I was going to write a big post on how disappointed I was in this season of Rescue Me. After two stellar seasons, the show went completely off the rails this year. However, Todd VanDerWerff, who’s guesting on Matt Soller Zeitz’s blog, has an excellent dissection of what went wrong, and why I’ll ...

Deadwood Finale Update 2

I really fuckin’ hate you, HBO.

Emmy Quote of the Evening

The Emmy Quote of the Evening comes from Mariska Hargitay, who seems just as mystified at I am over her win in the backstage press gaggle: It’s crazy! Who wins an Emmy on a cop procedural – I do! I guess I say “Where were you Tuesday night?” really well! And now, I’m off to ...

Signs That Perhaps I Watch Too Much Television 6

I had to create a spreadsheet, with the aid of the Futon Critic’s schedule, to figure out which TiVo to use to record which show for the upcoming fall season. While doing that, I determined that, if I permanently add every show I’m trying out, I will be recording 25.5 hours of television a WEEK. ...