Pilot Roundup, Part 1

So before I start, I want to make crystal clear for anyone stumbling across this that all opinions here are my own as a TV viewer and should not reflect at all on the people who choose to employ me so I can continue to afford 8,000 cable channels. Also, I have two levels of ...

Tell You I Hate You

Here’s the long review I promised earlier this week. Bunch of mini-reviews for the pilots I’ve already seen will be up later today. Many people have been asking me, “What the fuck has happened to HBO lately?” I call it Albrecht’s revenge. Chris Albrecht, the former head of HBO who was unceremoniously booted after getting ...

An Informal Survey 1

So it’s Beginning of the TV Season Time again, and I’m once again getting the itch to review some of the new stuff. I’m in the midst of writing up my feelings on one fall show that’s already premiered, and I wanted to know if you guys were interested in some of my critiques of ...

Time Well Spent

It’s always interesting when a television show includes one line of dialogue that sums up the entire show. John From Cincinnati, I suspect, did not intend for this particular line to crystalize reaction to the show, but it certainly captured my reaction. Three guys are sitting in a van in the wilderness, having spent the ...

Bad Signs For Your Television Show 1

If someone would rather watch The Waterboy than the most recent episode of your show, even though she absolutely worshiped your last show, you have gone terribly wrong somewhere. If someone who *almost* unironically loves the wholly ridiculous Jericho and still religiously watches ancient, creaky ER because she just can’t bring herself to stop finds ...

Damn You, Chiklis! 1

I’ve been catching up on the first couple seasons of The Shield, since, thanks to the cheap-ass deals I get at the Fox studio store, I have all 5 seasons available on DVD. I’ve also got the whole 6th sitting on my TiVo, but I hadn’t gotten around to watching the first 3 seasons until ...

Endings and Beginnings 2

I’ve never watched The Sopranos. I could never get into it. My mom, however, loves it, and since she’s here helping me with my foot, I sort of half-assedly watched the finale. As the screen went black and she realized they’d ended it where they had, she said something that I’m sure must have come ...

Miscellaneous Etc. 2

A few odds and ends before I disappear into Foot Surgery Land tomorrow: – Disgusting double-entendre of the day. – CBS resurrected Jericho, which makes me happy because I enjoyed how insanely ridiculous that show was. I was not enough of a fan to send unsolicited tons of peanuts to CBS, but still, it’s nice ...

Viewer Alerts

Viewer Alert #1: We are not on tomorrow, our finale (which my boss directed) is on next Tuesdday (9/8 central!). Viewer Alert #2: A girl I went to high school with has won the current round of The Bachelor. Though we weren’t friends or anything, I certainly remember her as being very nice, albeit a ...

Oh Good God

I went to high school with one of the Bachelorettes on the current version of The Bachelor. The night the show premiered, a friend from high school IMed me trying to figure out if it was her, but we weren’t positive. Now, I can officially shake my head in wonder at the ridiculousness. I’m even ...